University of Alicante
The University of Alicante was founded in 1979 and it hosts more than 29.000 students (2.500 of them are international students). The University offers more than 39 undergraduate and 78 postgraduate programmes, making it proportionally the fastest growing university in Spain. The University houses 227 research groups in Social and Legal Sciences, Experimental Services, Technological Sciences, Human Sciences, Education and Health Sciences, and 17 Research Institutes.
The University has a strong leadership in terms of alliances with relevant stakeholders established and being exploited, thus contributing to a solid Institutional Relations strategy and plan. In this framework, current circumstances focus on approaches aimed at strengthening aggregation with both other universities and institutions as means to grow both nationally and internationally. The different activities and actions of the member universities bound by this common objective create a new collaborative scenario where the complementarity and the synergies they generate enhance and offer an innovative model of shared work.

Basque International Research Association
Basque International Research Association (BIRA) is a non-profit and non-political interdisciplinary association of scholars, professionals and experts in several fields created to promote and reinforce scientific research and training within social projects with a direct impact on society. The objectives of the association are:
Building partnerships between national and international entities through the design of research and transfer projects
Carrying out studies of a social, educational, technological or …
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University of Orléans
The ÉRCAÉ laboratory (E.A. 7493) was founded in 2018 at the University of Orleans. This laboratory is a multidisciplinary research team, with 36 members. It notably brings together researchers in educational sciences, psychology, STAPS, letters, languages, history, geography, mathematics, biology.
Its members carry out research on teaching, school and extracurricular education, and learning, training, and professionalization in the field of education and, more generally, in the field of professions relating to others. The team endeavors to analyze the logic of action at work in the school and family environment, as well as in vocational training and lifelong education.
IDEC is a training consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece, established since 1989. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of digital solutions for both private and public sector. Clients of IDEC are both SMEs and the bigger Greek companies from a wide variety of sectors. IDEC co-operates with more than 800 institutes all over Europe and with about 300 experts in specific fields.
IDEC is accredited as a lifelong learning center, organizing in-service training courses for teachers, trainers and youth workers, study visits and informal learning activities for students in initial education and training, and provides training courses and work placements for students in vocational training and people in the labor market.
Hope for Children CRC Policy Center
Hope for Children CRC Policy Center (HFC) is an Independent, International and Humanitarian Institution based in Nicosia, Cyprus founded on the principle of promoting and protecting the rights of children, on the standards of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and European Union Law. HFC implements a variety of humanitarian programs related to its field of expertise, which is the promotion of children’s rights.
HFC focuses on prioritizing children’s well-being and education and takes measures for the prevention of any kind of violence against children while providing psychological and legal support. It has initiated and …
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IES Cabo De La Huerta
The IES Cabo Huertas was the first educational center created in the area of Albufereta and Playa de San Juan in Alicante. It is an educational center with morning and afternoon shifts, which has more than 1,200 students enrolled annually. It is a pioneering educational center in the implementation of European programs and has been awarded on different occasions with recognition for its work, such as in 2020 with the European Seal of Quality or in 2021 with the eTwining Recognition for good practices in Erasmus+.
3rd Gymnasium of Nikaia
The 3rd Gymnasium of Nikaia was founded before World War II as a Business School and until 1976 it operated as a trade school. From 2009 to 2012 it functioned as an Experimental Gymnasium. From 2011 to 2015 it also served as a Pilot High School for the New Curricula.
The school hosts 279 students between 13-15 years old and it has 31 teachers of almost all specialties, with significant scientific training and experience. It has a computer lab equipped with modern equipment, computers, and a physics-chemistry lab. It has the necessary laboratory equipment with PCs and projectors, 4 interactive systems, an audio coverage system, etc.
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ITCG Vincenzo de Franchis
ITCG Vincenzo de Franchis is a public secondary school located in Piedimonte Matese, a pretty little medieval town between Rome and Naples. The “IIs De Franchis” Institute is a Technical, Economical and Business School with courses in key competences (Literacy, STEM, ICT, Foreign Languages English, French, Spanish) and courses in Digital Marketing, Mobile Programming, Green Economy Management, Banking, Law, International Tourism, Sport (judo, tennis, kayak, volleyball, football, swimming, sailing) and Sport Management. We offer courses for adults too.
The school started in 1960 and has been contributing to its qualified…
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UAB “Erudito” Licejus
UAB Erudito Licejus is an accredited bilingual international private school focusing on the development of a unique curriculum and innovative teaching methodologies, combining the Lithuanian National programme with the world-known Cambridge Assessment International Education programme, and a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. The school focuses on mathematics, languages, thinking and emotional intelligence, healthy living, and technological intelligence. At Erudito Licejus, their scope is to cultivate curious, creative, and active personalities ready for challenges on a global level. Throughout the educational process, Erudito Licejus strives to discover and enhance…
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